Jakarta, www.binus.ac.id – In order to fulfill the vision as A World Class University in the Continuous Pursuit of Innovation and Enterprise, BINUS UNIVERSITY seemed endlessly in creating new innovations. This time, BINUS UNIVERSITY students have the opportunity to develop their skills in Information Technology (IT), especially those associated with the development of BlackBerry.
Since April 2010, BINUS UNIVERSITY is registered as the member of BlackBerry Academic Alliance. BINUS UNIVERSITY, as a member of BlackBerry Academic Alliance, has a privillege to some facilities such as course content, laboratory module, presentation slides, and code examples. BINUS UNIVERSITY will also receive 10 free Smartphone BlackBerry that can be used for further research and development. The plus credit is that BINUS UNIVERSITY is the first educational institution in Indonesia who joined in the BlackBerry Academy Program.
BlackBerry Academic Program will help universities, including BINUS UNIVERSITY, preparing their students for a career in technology. Also to support in fulfilling the raising demands of the BlackBerry developer, administrator, and professional technical support in global market.
Nowadays, the Computer Science Department of BINUS UNIVERSITY is preparing things which are connected to the BlackBerry development to be included in the curriculum.
“The subject of current IT popular will be taught in the future. This subject will be given in the last semester. In general, this subject will be filled with the information about current technologies,” said Fredy Purnomo, S.Kom., M.Kom, Head of Computer Science Department.
Modules available for this program are: BlackBerry Smartphone Web Development, Introduction to Java Application Development, Introduction to Mobile Application Development, and Advanced Java Application Development for BlackBerry.
“These development modules will enriched our students to become BlackBerry Development Specialists,” added Fredy.
So far, there are 12 students who appointed for this program. Febiyan Rachman, BINUS UNIVERSITY BlackBerry Research Specialist said there are some interesting themes which are going to be analyze, and one of them is IT directory.
“One could check on the nearest hotels or local interests in Jakarta, the moment one arrived in Soekarno-Hatta Airport,” said Febiyan, who is also the alumni of BINUS UNIVERSITY.
Previously, Febiyan and his partners had some research in the BlackBerry application development to fulfill their essay. They got three solutions based on BlackBerry as the results, they are E-Statement, Smart Taxi, dan E-Ticket.
E-Statement is a billing system which given the information about electricity bills or telephone bills. Billing information will be sent directly to BlackBerry Smartphone users using push BlackBerry technology. Meanwhile, Smart Taxi is a system which could help one searching for the nearest taxi with Smart BlackBerry application. And E-Ticket is a system with BlackBerry application in order to booked a plane ticket. With this application, users can booked the tickets from some airlines directly from their BlackBerry Smartphone.
But, the three solutions has not been commercialized until now. Nevertheless, BINUS UNIVERSITY is proud of their student’s achievements.
“Our expectation is that our students should have the skills on mobile sector by the time they graduated from BINUS UNIVERSITY,” said Fredy again.


Further Information, please contact:
Christy Sibuea
Marketing Communication
Ph    : 021-5345830 ext 2150
Fax    : 021-5301668
Cell    : 0818 200 927
Email    : csibuea@binus.edu
Website: www.binus.edu

This Press Release is accesible in www.binus.ac.id

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